Skilled work is the best alternative for women with disabilities
Author: Sammar Gul Samsoor
It is necessary for both women and men with disabilities to have formal education but if they don’t have access to, then learning skills like tailoring and other hand crafting skills are the best alternative for their livelihood which Disability program of the Swedish committee for Afghanistan has always provided to improve the livelihood of people with disabilities.
These are two vocational trainings groups are located in Moqure district of Ghazni province and each has six female trainees with disabilities, they get training daily in their village by a female trainer.
In one vocational training group they learn embroidery and in the another, they learn child bed mattress arts during the day; moreover on this, a female teacher teaches literacy program to help at clothes metering because it is important for trainees to learn.
Trainees said that, “Now easily we can handle to work in our own houses, we are very happy from SCA to open a group/class for women like us with disabilities; teachers are very interested to teach us.”
Their teacher said, “These produced goods are their handmade, they come to their lessons with good interest and I have trust for their bright future.”
This vocational training can help us to work in our house in a certain and confident place and support family financially because embroidery have very good market and women like these kinds of clothes that we make.
These women have different types of disability, and for them the SCA is providing vocational trainings so they could adjust with the economic aspects of their lives and create a better future for themselves and their families.