Community governance

The level of economic and social development in the rural parts of Afghanistan is very low, and local communities enjoy limited opportunities to effect change.

Women and persons with disabilities are groups that have traditionally not been included in joint decision-making. It is therefore part of the SCA mission to strengthen these groups’ participation. Their representation in both self-help groups and community-based organizations (CBOs) is important as these bodies must reflect society at large. These CBOs provide the opportunity to influence and participate in decisions concerning the community’s future, for groups that are usually excluded too.

To achieve the required change, efforts have been coordinated in several areas. One of the main areas is providing support to CBOs to facilitate local development planning and service delivery. Capacity building support is provided in participatory development planning, targeting and selection, participatory monitoring, and social audits to improve CBO performance and delivery of services to target groups. In addition, SCA strengthens the capacity of CBOs to manage community conflicts that may arise because of social, cultural, and natural resource disputes. We also strengthen the capacity of CBOs to advocate for their legitimate needs and rights through capacity building of local change agents, creation, and sustenance of dialogue spaces, and build alliances and partnerships with other actors.

Livelihoods and Resilience

Without SCA’s support, Nargis has lost hope

News Nargis, 14, has a hearing impairment. Her father, Mohammad Hussain, suffers from paraplegia, and his legs are paralysed. Both of them used to receive support from the Swedish Committee of Afghanistan (SCA), but since the suspension of SCA’s activities in July 2023, they haven’t received any further assistance. Now they are worried about their future.

“SCA saved our family from darkness.”

News Wazir Mohammad Dilsoz and six of his siblings are visually impaired. They used to get support from the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), but after the organisation’s activities were suspended, their future is uncertain.

Suspension of SCA leaves thousands without orthopedic aids

News Habibullah has been waiting for a prosthetic leg since SCA’s activities were suspended.

SCA pauses all activities in Afghanistan

News The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan is pausing all its activities in Afghanistan. This is in response to a decree from the Islamic Emirate Afghanistan (IEA) which called for the suspension of all "Sweden’s activities".

SCA conference: Afghanistan beyond humanitarian support – navigating challenges and opportunities

News SCA is organising its biennial international conference in Stockholm on 30th November, 2023. The conference will gather experts, policymakers, civil society, and academia to discuss the latest developments in Afghanistan.

Swedish Committee for Afghanistan strongly condemns the desecration of the Holy Quran

Press release The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) strongly condemns the desecration of the Holy Quran that took place in Sweden today. We are saddened and appalled by the incident, carried out by man of Iraqi origin outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm. Desecration of the Holy Quran is a despicable display of Islamophobia and hatred. It […]