Taloqan Regional Management Office
Taloqan Regional Management Office (TRMO)
TRMO implements disability, education, rural development, and ABADEI programmes and projects in around 1,400 villages in four northeastern provinces by 1,400 employees. The office is located in Taloqan city.
Coverage areas in 2023:
Takhar province: Taloqan, Baharak, Khoja Ghar, Farkhar, Shursaj, Kulgafan, Dasht Qala, Yange Qala, Rustaq, Khuja Bahawodin, Eshkamesh, and Bangi districts.
Baghlan province: Baghlan Kuhna and new Baghlan and Pul e Khomri districts.
Badakhshan province: Keshim district.
Kunduz province: Kunduz, Qala Zal, Khan Abad, Aqtash, Emam Sahib, Chahr Dara, Ali Abad, Aq Tapa, Dasht-e-Archin, Kalbad, and Gul Tapa districts.
Programmes and projects:
The education program focus is to improve learning outcomes and enhance teachers’ effectiveness, especially for marginalized groups like children with disabilities and girls. The education program operates in 23 districts across Takhar, Badakhshan, Kunduz and Baghlan provinces. In 2022, quality education was provided to 25,700 students of which 13,900 were girls and
- In 2023, the programme aimed to reach 31,900 students including 17,300 girls.
The programme operates in 722 villages across 19 districts in the northeastern provinces of Afghanistan. Disability programme supports individuals with disabilities through four components:
- Physical Rehabilitation: Physiotherapy is offered to men, women and children. A well-equipped orthopedic workshop provides orthosis, prosthesis, and assistive devices such as wheelchairs, three wheelers, walking frames and toilet seats. A mobile workshop staffed with technical experts provides services in rural areas. In 2023, nearly 4,200 people with disabilities including around 11,00 women receives mobility devices, around 5,100 people including nearly 1,400 women receives physiotherapy services.
- Special Education: Children with disabilities are provided preparatory education either at education centers (Village Based Preparatory Education Center – VPEC) or in their homes. The aim is to prepare them for enrollment in regular schools. In 2023, around 1,000 children with disabilities including nearly 400 girls receives special education.
- Employment Support: People with disabilities receive vocational training and revolving loans to achieve economic self-reliance. In 2023, nearly 95 individuals including 43 women received vocational trainings and revolving loan.
- Social Integration: SCA advocates for the rights of people with disabilities through trainings, public awareness sessions and other activities. These efforts aim to change attitudes in the communities and to facilitate social integration of people with disabilities as equal members of society.
Rural Development Programme (RDP):
RDP focuses on poverty reduction and improving living conditions in rural areas.
Construction: The programme focuses on construction and rehabilitation projects and up to date 67 school buildings have been constructed, benefitting over 31,600 students including nearly 18,000 girls.
WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene): Through pipe schemes projects, communities get access to clean drinking water. Implementing pipe scheme projects in Taloqan, Rustaq, Bangi, Cahr Deh, Khan Abad and Keshim districts that provide access to drinking clean water to approximately 116,000 individuals including nearly 59,000 female beneficiaries. Additionally, WASH project excavated 501 wells, across TRMO’s coverage areas and now over 21,000 students have access to drinking water.
Livelihood: To strengthen livelihoods and resilience in rural areas impacted by economic and environmental shocks, RDP implements activities to improve employment and income opportunities, promote climate-smart agriculture practices and infrastructure, and foster social cohesion among communities. In 2023, the project established 344 savings groups including 190 female groups, support rural enterprises, provide vocational training, and distribute agriculture inputs. Overall, 3,600 households benefit from the project’s initiatives. To counter child labor, 82 households where children were involved in labour are receiving financial support and vocational training for the adults to enable the children to attend school instead of working. Under the Cash for Work modality, labourers from local communities are hired for projects benefitting the communities, such as road rehabilitation and water supply.
ABADEI Project:
The ABADEI project aims to support basic human needs, safeguard livelihood, and strengthen community resilience and infrastructure rehabilitation. It provides income opportunities through Cash for Work and promotes small businesses at the community level. ABADEI is now being implemented in 21 districts of Takhar, Badakhshan, Kunduz, and Baghlan provinces.
In 2022, nearly 6,100 households were supported through ABADEI 1.0 in TRMO coverage areas.