
SCA continues to operate in Afghanistan during COVID-19 pandemic

Press release In accordance to an official instruction by the Ministry of Economy, the lockdown in the cities does not fully apply to NGOs working in Afghanistan, hence, the SCA has maintained its offices either partially or completely open to deliver health and most needed services to all Afghans in our operational target areas.

Men and Boys Engagement for Gender Equality in Afghanistan

News Swedish Committee for Afghanistan convened a conference entitled “Sharing Learning and Experiences: Men and Boys Engagement for Gender Equality in Afghanistan” with participation of representatives from the Afghan government, including the Chief Executive Office of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Women Affairs and some other ministries, representatives of National and International NGOs, Civil Society […]

Halema is no more perceived a disabled

News People with disabilities are among the poorest and most socially excluded groups in Afghanistan. Every fifth family have one individual with a disability. Women with disabilities face an additional set of challenges in terms of movement, restrictions to socialize with people, ability to make decisions or participate in public life. Most critically, not having an income of their own forces many of them to rely on their families.

Aid should, and does, help civilians

Press release The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, SCA, welcomes the scrutiny of aid efforts in Afghanistan by journalist Magda Gad and the Swedish tabloid Expressen. It is a relevant and largely balanced account of the very difficult environment in which the Afghan civilian population lives and SCA operates. SCA however finds that a few essential corrections are needed.

De oskyldiga i klimatkrisen


Ett av jordens redan mest utsatta folk riskerar att drabbas ytterligare av den pågående klimatkrisen. En klimatkris de är i princip oskyldiga till att ha orsakat. Orättvisan kan knappast vara tydligare.

Daniel Madhani new country director at the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, SCA

Press release As of this Monday November 18, Daniel Madhani is the new Country Director for SCA, one of Afghanistan’s biggest NGOs with approximately 6,000 Afghan employees. Daniel has a background as Secretary General for other Swedish founded international NGOs operating in the Middle East and Africa.

The menstruation project leads to more girls attending school

Health care The question of menstruation is still taboo in many places in the world, not least in Afghanistan. A lack of toilets and knowledge means that many girls stay at home when they have their period, thus missing school. But this is something Faranaz Anwari (age 15) wants to change.

Threats from the Taliban are common for midwife Maryam

Health care Maryam trained to become a midwife at one of SCA’s schools almost ten years ago. SCA’s previous head of information, Lasse Bengtsson, has followed her work since then. Today, she works at the front line where the Taliban fight government troops. Her everyday life is full of threats.

Home based intervention of the Disability Program Impact Evaluation Study (DPIES)

News An impact evaluation study of the home based intervention of the Disability Programme (DP) of Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) was carried out in collaboration with the George Warren Brown School Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis between January 2013 and June 2016.